Auto Enrolment

Auto Enrolment has started and affects every employer in the UK. Apart from the financial implications the ongoing compliance requirements are onerous. This means that every business will have to devote time and resource whether they want to or not. The estimated additional costs from an administration perspective only were originally estimated at around £60 per employee per annum but having looked at the requirements the suggestion is that it could now be as much as two to three times this or even more!

Fortunately help is at hand and we are able to access full auto enrolment and compliance systems for you on a cost effective basis.

Please see below a range of articles and information we have collated from various sources to help you understand and keep up to date with what is happening. This is only a small portion of the available information but will give you an idea of what needs to be done.

Brief Overview

An Introduction to Workplace Pension Changes
Automatic Enrolment and Workplace Pension Reform – the facts

Detailed Guidance

Preparing for automatic enrolment – 7 Steps
Employer Duties and defining the workforce
Getting Ready – First steps to prepare for new Employer Duties
Keeping Records- Records that must be kept by law under the new employer Duties

At a Glance summaries

Employer duties and safeguards
The different types of worker
Information to workers

Useful Links and Information

Staging Date Calculator
BBC Website
The Pension Regulator (TPR)
Department of Work and Pensions (DWP)

NB: Planning needs to start 12 months before your staging date so check out your date today and contact us to get the ball rolling.

The value of your investment can go down as well as up and you may get back less than you have invested.

Use the menu opposite or contact us to find out more

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'Very clear and up-to-date advice; prompt and full attention to queries'

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Please remember that the value of your investment can go down as well as up and you may get back less than you have invested. The Financial Conduct Authority does not regulate taxation advice. Equity release: This is a Lifetime Mortgage. To understand the features and risks, please ask for a personalised illustration. There may be a fee for equity release advice. The precise amount of the fee will depend upon your circumstances.

Executive Advisory Services Ltd
67 Lower Road . Cookham . Maidenhead . Berkshire . SL6 9HF
Telephone: +44 (0)1628 532320 . Click here to email us